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Getting a Lush, Green Lawn Requires Expert Knowledge and Customized Care

Why is your Lawn Unique?

There are many different factors that make up a lawn and it’s much more than just the grass you can see. These factors include grass type, soil type, climate, pests, other plants, shade and sun exposure, microorganisms like bacteria and fungi, nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen, and more. Because all these components work together and can affect the health and appearance of lawns, caring for them requires understanding how all the pieces work together.

Spoil Your Soil–Don’t Treat it Like Dirt

No amount of sunlight and water will produce green grass if your soil isn’t healthy. Lawn soil is a whole, complex ecosystem brimming with microorganisms and nutrients that need to live symbiotically in order to create a beautiful, lush lawn.

Truly Nolen applies a customized approach to every lawn. Technicians investigate soil health and develop a plan to get a soil’s fitness on track. A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work because soil compositions are different between different lawns, and even the same soil types can be deficient in different nutrients.

All of the product mixtures that Truly Nolen uses to get your lawn healthy are proprietary, which means you can’t buy them in a store and no other company uses them either. Truly Nolen custom mixes the compounds technicians apply to your lawn based on the needs of your specific region. In addition, technicians will identify any shortcomings in your lawn and develop approaches to fix these problems. As you can see, there’s a lot to it, which is why it’s best to call the people who know the most!

Pest Control is Lawn Control

Uninvited guests can ruin a party, just like harmful pests can ruin a beautiful lawn. There are over 500 types of pests that can take up residence and make themselves comfortable in your grass and soil. To complicate matters, pests can have different life cycles and seasonal preferences, which means that an effective pest control solution takes this into account.

Truly Nolen’s specialized knowledge and approach to pest control will help your grass stay beautiful, soft, and enjoyable.

What is grass?

It might seem obvious, but there’s a lot more to grass–not to mention 9,000 known different grass species–than you might expect. Grass is the common name for the Gramineae family of plants, which includes the kinds used for pasture feeding animals, crops like oat and barley grown for human consumption, giant bamboo which can grow 150 feet tall, and all the varieties that make up golf courses, lawns, and forest floors. Amazingly, grasses make up one-quarter of the plant life on earth.

When we talk about grass at Truly Nolen, we’re concerned with the lawn varieties. Our top priority is to help people achieve and maintain lawns that are beautiful to look at, comfortable for activities, and healthy for families. Green lawns are helpful for your home value, your air quality, and your enjoyment. So we believe that taking care of your lawn is one way we can take care of you and your family.

Different kinds of grass and lawn types unsurprisingly have different needs and requirements. Truly Nolen technicians assess these needs with both expert knowledge and years of experience. You might say that Truly Nolen technicians have a green thumb plus nine other green digits! Like horse whisperers for blades of grass, they have intuitive insights along with expert knowledge to understand what a lawn needs to thrive.