Is It Safe to Eliminate Africanized Honey Bees Yourself?
Regularly check your home and property for signs of bee infestations. Reducing the likelihood of a bee infestation in your home starts with the exclusion of bees and other pests from your home by sealing or caulking all cracks and crevices in your foundation and around entryways.
Remove all debris and piles of refuse from your property, as honey bees will nest in unused flowerpots. Also, fill all holes in your yard to deter nest building.
If you find a swarm or a nest of bees, please do not attempt to remove the nest or eradicate the colony yourself. Exercise precaution; keep your family and pets away from the bees and contact your local Truly Nolen location to schedule a free pest inspection and to work out a plan to rid your property of aggressive and dangerous bees.
How to Avoid Africanized Honey Bees Outdoors
When hiking or enjoying other outdoor sports, wear light colored clothes and hats, as Africanized bees see dark clothes and colors as threats. Always stay on trails when hiking or exploring nature walks. Remember to carry bug spray and a GPS-enabled cellphone.
Avoid wearing strong perfumes, body lotions and aftershaves, especially those with strong citrus and floral scents, as bees are sensitive to odors, both pleasant and unpleasant. The aroma of newly cut grass can disturb honey bees so homeowners should take precautions when mowing.
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