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Summertime pests can put a real damper on fun in the sun for people living in Charlotte and the surrounding areas. As the heat rises, more and more of these creepy crawlers catch your eye at softball games, picnics and even in your own backyard. Are they ALL dangerous? The answer is no, not all. However, bites from most common pests in the area can leave a red, itchy or irritated mark or bump on the skin, and there is the possibility of diseases being transmitted. Avoiding these pests by educating yourself and using the techniques described below, can prevent discomfort and save your outdoor plans this summer.
Wasps, Bees & Hornets
Wasps, bees and hornets can become a threat to food stores or homes in Charlotte if the aggressive types of the species begin to rely on people as a source for food. Controlling and managing the situation starts by first determining the species of the infestation – i.e. wasps, bees, stinging insects? Once identified, the pest and its swarm can be removed and further infestations prevented with treatment.
Fleas & Ticks
Ticks are found outdoors, in parks and in the woods. They are blood-feeders and hosts include both humans and animals. Fleas are more prominent outdoors and attack animals mainly, causing an intense itch and discomfort from their bites. Fleas and ticks can migrate indoors when attached to a pet, and this can cause a host of problems for the household. Getting rid of fleas and ticks starts at the vets office, where a diagnosis and treatment are provided. In conjunction with treating your pet, it will be necessary to clean your home and affected areas extensively, and talk to a local pest control expert about treatment and future prevention.
Mosquitoes & Common House Flies
Pesky mosquitoes and flies can be found in open areas outdoors, such as parks, fields, forests, parking lots and backyards. They can also live in your home and cause quite a nuisance. Mosquitoes are attracted to higher levels of moisture on patios, hot tubs or other wet areas. Treating resting sites for these insects, and implementing moisture control in problem areas to remove moisture and prevent future infestation is available by your local pest professionals. Prevention has become a priority with outbreaks such as the Zika virus.
How to Steer Clear of Summertime Pests
Pests have an exceptional sense of smell, and this helps them target their preferred hosts. Bites can result in itchy rashes, spots and pain. Some may also carry diseases which, at times, may be life-threatening, such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and West Nile Virus to name a few. Some proven prevention and avoidance methods to practice include:
- Generously applying and re-applying proper insect repellent before spending time outdoors.
- Wearing long socks, long sleeves, long pants and a hat or scarf when camping or in the woods.
- Checking your head and body thoroughly for tick and other insect bites when returning from the outdoors. Quick removal of ticks is important in disease prevention.
- Using repellent torches or candles on your porch and at outdoor events, as instructed on the directions, is recommended.
Taking a proactive approach to pest prevention and management can decrease your risk of running into unwanted insects while soaking up sun and family fun. Truly Nolen Charlotte can help take care of your unwanted pests this summer. Call (704) 910-2936 for a free pest inspection.