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A massive hurricane has rocked communities along the East Coast and it may be bad news for those fearful of pest problems. Rodents may be a big issue for residents heading back to New York City once the streets are free from water and debris. The need for rodent control may grow in the coming weeks as rats move into new homes and stir up trouble for residents.
Chased out of their habitats
The majority of the rats that call the New York subway home have likely been displaced, since the subway system flooded and forced them to move to drier areas to survive. While some residents may have hopes that many of the pests drowned and won’t be a nuisance any longer, this likely isn’t the case. Rats are able to swim and climb, making it probable that most escaped the rising water in the subway tunnels.
Moving and spreading disease
Because the rodents were pushed out of their homes underground, they’ll be seeking new homes once the flooding lets up. A local pest control expert told the Huffington Post that if the storm disrupted the rats to a great extent, they may begin to invade areas they never previously lived in, meaning more people throughout the city may soon be having problems with rodent infestations. Rats driven out of their homes by water may be sneaking into apartment buildings, offices and homes causing trouble for residents.
Rat movement isn’t a mere annoyance – it can also be a potential health hazard. Rodents are notorious for carrying serious illnesses that can be fatal in humans, and the first sign of a home infestation should be taken very seriously. Humans that come into contact with rodents, their droppings or their urine could become infected with a variety of diseases such as the plague, salmonella, hantavirus and typhus. The threat of these illnesses should be taken seriously and always handled by a medical professional.
Handling the problem
As residents begin to make their way home once the storm clears, they’ll need to keep a close watch to ensure their homes and offices aren’t infested with disease-carrying rodents. As soon as a problem is discovered, it needs to be reported to pest control professionals who are experienced in handling rodent infestations. Once an exterminator removes the problem, residents can breathe easily once again.