Angoumois Grain Moth Facts
- Appearance: Small, tan moths, who that are easy to distinguish from other moths by their fringed hindwings.
Angoumois Grain Moth Behavior
Angoumois grain moths were first discovered chomping through grain stores in a former Provence of France known as Angoumois, but quickly spread across Europe and into the rest of the world with grain shipments. Because grain moth larvae feed inside of grains, it can be difficult to recognize an infestation in the field, causing entire grain stores to be tainted.
These moths are serious pests forof corn and other whole grains. Their lifecycle often begins in corn fields, where females carefully lay one egg per kernel on developing corn. When larvae hatch in about a week, they burrow into the corn kernel and begin to feed. After 25 to 64 days, the cream-colored, legless larvae mature after pupating inside the corn kernel and emerge to start the cycle all over again.
- Moth Health Concerns
- Moth Infestations
- How to Get Rid of Moths
Moths Photos
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