
Have a Mosquitoes Problem?

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Charlotte, NC is nationally ranked one of the worst cities for mosquitoes. High temperatures and moist conditions attract mosquitoes, and standing water allows them to breed. Mosquitoes can be identified by their slender bodies and long legs. Adults can live from 10 days all the way up to 6 months. With summer in full force, taking a proactive approach against these pests is key to preventing bites.

Do Mosquitoes Favor Some More Than Others?

An article from Smithsonian magazine explains that some individuals are more prone to mosquito bites than others. Individuals who have type O blood type are especially favorable to mosquitoes. Larger individuals who emit more carbon dioxide when they breathe are also on this list. This group includes tall people and the obese. Elevated body temperatures, excess sweat and bacteria on the skin are also contributing factors.

Prevention and Types of Mosquito-borne Illnesses

Families in the Charlotte area should take precautions against mosquitoes, mainly during the months of June, July and August, to reduce chances of the transfer of mosquito-borne illnesses. Mosquito bites are known to spread diseases and cause allergic reactions. Some mosquito-related illnesses that have been reported are Zika, Malaria, Encephalitis, Chikungunya Virus and West Nile Virus. Over a thousand people have died from West Nile since 1999. There have been three confirmed cases of Chikungunya Virus in North Carolina with symptoms of fever, headache, muscle ache and joint pain. If you have been bitten and are experiencing any enhanced symptoms, we urge you to seek immediate medical attention.

Here are some simple tips to keep in mind that can help you avoid and prevent the dangers and annoyance of mosquitoes:

  • Wear long sleeves and white or light colored clothing when camping or outdoors for an extended period of time.
  • Steer clear of wearing flowery fragrances before spending time outdoors to decrease your chances of becoming a target.
  • Place citronella plants and candles on patios and porches. Chemical-free repellents also come in handy for warding off mosquitoes.
  • Mosquitoes breed in standing water so keep an eye out for pooling water in your yard and stay up to date on pool upkeep if you have a swimming pool at home.

Beat the Bite!

Pest control services, such as Truly Nolen Charlotte, offer mosquito mitigation for residential and commercial customers. Expert pest removal agents search for moist areas and conditions conducive to mosquito breeding around the bite site to begin a program designed to control mosquitoes through larval to adult stages. If avoidance and prevention fail to defeat the problem, reach out to Truly Nolen Charlotte at 704-910-2936 for answers.

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